Getting Started
1. Introduction
Mobile SDK is a set of libraries (Components) that offers a series of functionalities and services, allowing its integration into a Mobile application in a simple, totally scalable way. Depending on the use case that is required, the installation of certain components must be carried out. Its high level of modularity allows that, in the future, other new components can be added without affecting at all those already integrated into the project.
1.1 Minimum requirements
The minimum native version (Android and iOS) of the SDK are as follows:
- Minimum Android version: 24 - JDK 11
- Minimum Build Tools version: 8.1.4
- Minimum Kotlin Android version: 1.9.0
- Minimum iOS version: 13
Regarding the architecture of the mobile device:
- armeabi-v7, x86, arm64 and x64
1.2 Plugin version
The current plugin version can be checked as follows:
Look for the package.json file at the root of the plugin.
The KEY/TAG version indicates the version.
2. Component integration
This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project.
ℹ️ For this section, the following values will be considered:
- <APPLICATION_PATH> - Path a la raíz de la aplicación (ejemplo: /folder/example)
- <PLUGIN_CORE_PATH> - Path a la raíz del plugin actual (ejemplo: /folder/sdk-core)
2.1. Adding private repository
For security and maintenance reasons, the new SDKMobile components are stored in private repositories requiring specific credentials. Those credentials must be obtained from the support team of Facephi.
To configure the application and thus download the components in the repository, you have to access APPLICATION_PATH. In that path, you have to create a file with the following name:
Inside that file you have to add the following information provided by Facephi (Credentials):
⚠️ For the project to correctly retrieve the dependencies, the credentials (password, userame and email) must be configured correctly
2.1.1. Add private iOS repository
⚠️ Access to our private repositories (Cocoapods) is required if you want to access our iOS native libraries.
For security and maintenance reasons, the new SDKMobile components are stored in private repositories requiring specific credentials. The steps to configure this environment are the following:
- First of all, we launch the command to install cocoapods with Artifactory.
sudo gem install cocoapods-art
- In the case of using a Mac with an M1 chip, it exists the possibility of appearing errors during the installation, then it is recommended to use the following command instead:
sudo arch -arm64 gem install ffi;
sudo arch -arm64 gem install cocoapods-art
ℹ️ If the issues still appear, try to uninstall Cocoapods and all the dependencies entirely and start a new clean installation.
- It is necessary to add the repository credentials in the file called netrc. For this task, from a Terminal, you have to execute:
nano ~/.netrc
And the following code snippet must be copied in that file:
login <USERNAME>
password <TOKEN>
⚠️ It is essential to copy the previous fragment exactly. There is an indentation before the login and password words formed by two spaces.
- The repository with the private dependencies must be downloaded locally:
pod repo-art add cocoa-pro-fphi ""
- Finally, the repository must be updated:
pod repo-art update cocoa-pro-fphi
2.2. Plugin installation: Common
The plugin allows execution on Android and iOS platforms. This section explains the common steps to all platforms. To install the plugin, the following steps must be adopted:
Make sure react-native is installed.
Access <%APPLICATION_PATH%> at a terminal and run:
yarn add @facephi/sdk-core-react-native
If executing a pod command occurs an error like the following:
arch: Can't find any plists for install
It is recommended to launch every pod command with ***arch -x86_64 ***before them, for example:
- pod install
- arch -x86_64 pod install
- It is important to verify that the path to the plugin is correctly defined in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"@facephi/sdk-core-react-native": "^2.0.0",
After running the above steps, you can start the app with the sdk/component installed.
From Terminal
For Android:
npx react-native run-android
npx react-native run-android --active-arch-only
For iOS:
npx react-native run-ios
From different IDEs
Los proyectos generados en las carpetas de Android e iOS se pueden abrir, compilar y depurar usando Android Studio y XCode respectivamente.
2.3 Plugin installation: iOS
2.3.1 Project configuration
For the iOS version, when adding our plugin to the final application, the following points must be previously taken into account:
- Add camera permissions: To use the widget, you need to enable the camera permission in the application's info.plist file (included within the project in the ios folder). You will need to edit the file with a text editor and add the following key/value pair:
***<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the camera</string>***
2.3.2 Update the Podfile
In the project podfile it will be necessary to add the information from the private repository (see section 2.1). To do this, the following lines must be added at the beginning of the file:
platform :ios, '13.0' //MIN VERSION
plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => ['cocoa-pro-fphi']
source ''
2.3.3 Possible issues
If environmental problems occur or the plugin is not updated after making new changes (for example, problems occurred due to the bundle not being generated correctly, or the libraries not being updated to the correct versions), it is recommended to execute the following sequence of instructions after launching the plugin:
Open the application's ios folder at a terminal.
Run the following command:
pod deintegrate
- Remove the Podfile.lock
- Run the following command (or open the project with Xcode and run it):
pod install --repo-update
pod repo-art update cocoa-pro-fphi
2.4 Plugin installation: Android
2.4.1 Set Android SDK credentials
For security and maintenance reasons, the new SDKMobile components are stored in private repositories requiring specific credentials. For that reason, those credentials must be added to the build.gradle file (inside the repositories section):
maven {
Properties props = new Properties()
def propsFile = new File('')
props.load(new FileInputStream(propsFile))
name = "external"
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = props["artifactory.user"] ?: System.getenv("USERNAME_ARTIFACTORY")
password = props["artifactory.token"] ?: System.getenv("TOKEN_ARTIFACTORY")
The credentials (Username and Token) must be correctly configured for the project to retrieve the dependencies correctly.
There are several ways to configure the repository access credentials:
- As environmental variables. For this purpose, you should launch from a Terminal the following commands (RECOMMENDED):
If the dependencies are not recognized when synchronising the environment, they must be included as environmental variables in the file:
Your script shell default file.
- Included in the file with the following structure:
- Directly included in the build.gradle (NOT RECOMMENDED)
maven {
Properties props = new Properties()
def propsFile = new File('')
props.load(new FileInputStream(propsFile))
name = "external"
url = uri("")
credentials {
2.4.2 Set Android SDK version
For Android, the minimum SDK version required by our native libraries is 24, so if your app has a Minimum SDK defined less than this, it must be modified to avoid a compile error. To do this, access the application's build.gradle file (located in the android folder) and modify the following parameter:
buildscript {
ext {
minSdkVersion = 24