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Version: 1.5.4

Video Call Component

0. SDK Mobile baseline requirements​

SDK Mobile is a set of libraries (Components) that offer a series of functionalities and services, allowing their integration into a Mobile application in a simple and fully scalable way. Depending on the use case that is required, certain components must be installed. Its high level of modularity allows other new components to be added in the future without affecting those already integrated in the project.

For more information on the base configuration, go to the Getting Started section.

1. Introduction​

The component discussed in the current document is called VideoCall Component. It is in charge of managing the communication between a user and an agent remotely, through a communication channel. It is mainly oriented to video assistance use cases.

2. Integration of the component​

Before integrating this component, it is recommended to read the documentation related to:

Getting Started and follow the instructions in that document.

This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project.

2.1. Dependencies required for integration​

To avoid conflicts and compatibility problems, in case you want to install the component in a project containing an old version of the Facephi libraries (Widgets), these must be completely removed before installing the SDKMobile components.

  • Currently FacePhi libraries are distributed remotely through different dependency managers. Mandatory dependencies that must be installed beforehand:

    implementation "com.facephi.androidsdk:videocall_component:$sdk_videocall_component_version"

3. Start new operation​

When you want to perform a specific operation, in order to generate the associated information correctly in the platform, the newOperation command must first be executed.

This command must have been executed prior to launch.

To learn more about how to start a new operation, it is recommended to consult the Getting Started documentation, which details and explains what this process consists of.

4. Available controllers​

VideoCallControllerVideocall main controller

5. Component configuration​

To configure the current component, once it has been initialised, a VideoCallConfigurationData object must be created and passed as a parameter to the SDKController when the component is launched.

The following section will show the fields that are part of this class and what each of them is used for.

5.1. Class VideoCallConfigurationData​

The fields included in the configuration, normally do not need to be reported as they are filled internally through the licence used.

These fields are usually reported only when the server is OnPremise.

5.1.1. url​

Path to the video socket

5.1.2. apiKey​

ApiKey needed for connection to the video socket

5.1.3. tenantId​

Tenant identifier referring to the current client, required for the connection to the video service.

6. Component use​

Once the component has been started and a new operation has been created (section 3), the SDK components can be launched. There are two ways to launch the component:

  • [WITH TRACKING] This call allows to launch the functionality of the component normally, but internal events will be tracked to the tracking server:
VideoCallController(VideoCallConfigurationData()) {
when (it) {
is SdkResult.Error -> Napier.d("VideoCall: ERROR - ${}")
is SdkResult.Success -> Napier.d("VideoCall: OK - ScreenSharing: ${}")
  • [WITHOUT TRACKING] This call allows to launch the functionality of the component normally, but no event will be tracked to the tracking server:
VideoCallController(VideoCallConfigurationData()) {
when (it) {
is SdkResult.Error -> Napier.d("VideoCall: ERROR - ${}")
is SdkResult.Success -> Napier.d("VideoCall: OK - ScreenSharing: ${}")

The launch method must be used by default. This method allows tracking to be used if your component is enabled, and will not use it when it is disabled (or the component is not installed).

On the other hand, the launchMethod method covers a special case, in which the integrator has tracking installed and activated, but in a certain flow within the application does not want to track information. In this case, this method is used to prevent this information from being sent to the platform.

7. Receipt of the result​

The controllers will return the required information in SdkResult format. More information in the Android Mobile SDK's 6. Result return section.

7.1. Receipt of errors​

On the error side, we will have the VideoCallError class.


7.2. Receipt of correct execution - data_​

On successful execution, it simply reports that everything went well with the SdkResult.Success.

8. Screen sharing​

The screen sharing functionality can be executed using the VideoCallScreenSharingManager class. With it, it is possible to start and end the screen sharing as well as to collect the states in which it is.

val videoCallScreenSharingManager = VideoCallScreenSharingManager(

videoCallScreenSharingManager.setOutput { state ->

The possible states are:


Where SHARING indicates that the screen is being recorded and FINISH indicates that the process has finished.

If you want to enable the screen sharing option, the video call driver must be launched with the activateScreenSharing flag of its active configuration. The output of the video call launch will indicate whether the user has requested screen sharing with the sharingScreen flag.

VideoCallController(VideoCallConfigurationData(activateScreenSharing = true)) {
when (it) {
is SdkResult.Error -> {
Napier.d("VideoCall: ERROR - ${}")

is SdkResult.Success -> {
Napier.d("VideoCall: OK - ScreenSharing: ${}")
if ( {

To start and end screen sharing in the call:



9. Customizing the component​

Apart from the changes that can be made at SDK level (which are explained in the Getting Started document), this particular component allows the modification of specific texts.

9.1. Texts​

If you want to modify the SDK texts, you would have to include the following XML file in the client application, and modify the value of each String to the desired one.

    <string name="video_call_text_waiting_agent_title">Connecting with an assistant…</string>
<string name="video_call_agent">Agent</string>
<string name="video_call_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="video_call_text_finish">Video assistance is complete</string>
<string name="video_call_accesibility_phone">Phone</string>
<string name="video_call_restart">Repeat recording</string>

9.2. Colors​

<color name="colorVideoCallActionsBackground">#30333d</color>
<color name="colorVideoCallButtonBackground">#FF526080</color>