NFC Component
1. Introductionβ
The Component addressed in the current document is called the NFC Component. This is responsible for capturing a selfie of the user and the subsequent extraction of the most important facial characteristics. Its main functionalities are the following:
Internal management of the NFC sensor.
Permission management.
Document analysis.
Progress analysis.
Assistant in reading processes.
Return all possible information to be read
Return of images when they are available for reading.
1.1 Minimum requirementsβ
The minimum native version (Android and iOS) of the SDK are as follows:
- Minimum Android version: 24 - JDK 17
- Minimum Build Tools version: 8.3.0
- Minimum Kotlin Android version: 1.9.0
- Minimum iOS version: 13
- Minimum Capacitor version: 5
Regarding the architecture of the mobile device:
- armeabi-v7, x86, arm64 y x64
β οΈ This component needs to update to React Native 0.72 version due to internal dependencies, or at least to update Android Build Tools to 8.0 or more
1.2 Plugin versionβ
The current plugin version can be checked as follows:
- Look for the package.json file at the root of the plugin.
- The KEY/TAG version indicates the version.
2. Component integrationβ
βΉοΈ Before integrating this component, it is recommended to read the documentation related to Core Component and follow the instructions indicated in said document.
This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project.
For this section, the following values ββwill be considered:
- <%APPLICATION_PATH%> - Path to the root of the application (example: /folder/example)
- <%PLUGIN_CORE_PATH%> - Path to the root of the Core plugin, which is required (example: /folder/sdk-core)
- <%PLUGIN_NFC_PATH%> - Path to the root of the current plugin (example: /folder/sdk-nfc)
2.1. Plugin installation: Commonβ
The plugin allows execution on Android and iOS platforms. This section explains the common steps to all platforms. To install the plugin, the following steps must be adopted:
- Access APPLICATION_PATH at a terminal and run:
npm i @facephi/sdk-core-capacitor
npm i @facephi/sdk-nfc-capacitor
npm run build
npx cap sync
npx ionic capacitor build [android | ios]
After running the above steps, you can start the app with the sdk/component installed.
Projects generated in the Android and iOS folders can be opened, compiled, and debugged using Android Studio and XCode, respectively.
2.2 Plugin installation: iOSβ
2.2.1 Project configurationβ
For the iOS version, when adding our plugin to the final application, the following points must be previously taken into account:
- Add camera permissions: To use the component, you need to enable the camera permission in the application's info.plist file (included within the project in the ios folder). You will need to edit the file with a text editor and add the following key/value pair:
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the camera</string>
- Add Privacy - NFC Scan Usage Description To use the component, you need to enable the NFC permission in the application's info.plist file (included within the project in the ios folder).
<string>The app needs this permission for the correct usage.</string>
- Add ISO7816 application identifiers for NFC Tag Reader Session: Finally, you have to edit info.plist file with a Text Editor, and add the following key/value/pair:
- Add the Capability Near field Communication Tag Reading
It is necessary to add the Near Field Communication Tag Reading option in the Signing & Capabilities section of the target
2.2.2 Update the Podfileβ
In the project podfile it will be necessary to add the information from the private repository (see section 2.1). To do this, the following lines must be added at the beginning of the file:
platform :ios, '13.0' //MIN VERSION
plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => ['cocoa-pro-fphi']
source ''
β οΈ To know more about the configuration and use of Cocoapods Artifactory, it is necessary to access the following document of Core Component.
2.2.3 Possible issuesβ
If environment problems occur or the plugin is not updated after making new changes (for example, problems occurred due to the bundle not being generated correctly, or the libraries not being updated to the correct versions), it is recommended to execute the following sequence of instructions after launching the plugin:
Open the application's ios folder at a terminal.
Run the following command:
pod deintegrate
- Remove the Podfile.lock
- Run the following command (or open the project with Xcode and run it):
pod install --repo-update
2.3 Plugin installation: Androidβ
2.3.1 Set Android SDK versionβ
For Android, the minimum SDK version required by our native libraries is 24, so if your app has a Minimum SDK defined less than this, it will need to be modified to avoid a compile error. To do this, access the application's build.gradle file (located in the android folder) and modify the following parameter:
buildscript {
ext {
minSdkVersion = 24
The minimun is 8.3.0. To set this, access the application's build.gradle file (located in the android folder) and modify the following parameter:
dependencies {
classpath ""
In the same file its mandatory to add this:
android {
packagingOptions {
pickFirst("META-INF/versions/9/OSGI-INF/MANIFEST.MF") // NFC
3. Component configurationβ
The actual component contains a number of Typescript methods and interfaces contained within the definitions.ts file. In this file you can find the necessary API for the communication between the application and the native functionality of the component. It is then explained what each one of those listed is for and the other properties that affect the operation of the component.
Below is the NfcConfiguration class, which allows you to configure the Nfc component:
export interface NfcConfiguration {
docNumber: string;
birthDate: string;
expirationDate: string;
extractionTimeout?: number;
showTutorial?: boolean;
vibrationEnabled?: boolean;
skipPACE?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
showDiagnostic?: boolean;
βΉοΈ All the configuration can be found in the component's definitions.ts file.
When making the call to the component there is a series of parameters that must be included. They will be briefly discussed below.
3.1 docNumberβ
type: string
Indicates the document or media number depending on the document to be read.
This field is mandatory.
docNumber: 2115000
3.2 birthDateβ
type: string
Indicates the date of birth that appears on the document ("dd/MM/yyyy").
This field is mandatory.
birthDate: dd/mm/yyyy;
3.3 expirationDateβ
type: number
Indicates the expiry date that appears on the document ("dd/MM/yyyy").
This field is mandatory.
expirationDate: dd/mm/yyyy;
3.4 extractionTimeoutβ
type: number
Sets the maximum time the reading can be done.
extractionTimeout: 5000;
3.5 showTutorialβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether the component activates the tutorial screen. This view intuitively explains how the capture is performed.
showTutorial: true;
3.6 showDiagnosticβ
type: boolean
Display diagnostic screens at the end of the process
showDiagnostic: false;
3.7 vibrationEnabledβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether vibration feedback is desired at the end of the process.
vibrationEnabled: false;
3.8 skipPACEβ
type: boolean
Indicates that only NFC BAC reading is desired. It is a simple and fast reader.
skipPACE: false;
3.9 debugβ
type: boolean
Activation of the component's debug mode.
debug: false;
3.10. showPreviousTipβ
type: boolean
It shows a pre-launch screen with information about the process to be carried out and a start button.
3.11. extractFacialImageβ
type: boolean
Indicates if you want to extract the image of the face.
3.12. extractSignatureImageβ
type: boolean
Indicates if you want to extract the signature image.
4. Component Usageβ
The following will show how to execute the functionality of the current component.
β οΈ Remember that in order to launch a certain component previously, you must initialise the SDK with its respective licence, and then start a new operation. For further information, consult the documentation of the Core Component.
Once the component has been configured, to launch it, the following code must be executed:
* Method that launches the plugin.
* @returns Promise with a JSON string.
launchNfc = async (): Promise<NfcResult> => {
console.log('Launching Nfc widget...');
// SelphiFaceConfiguration
return SdkNfc.startNfc(this.getNFCConfiguration());
let config: NfcConfiguration = {
docNumber: 'DOC_NUMBER',
birthDay: '16/08/1979',
expirationDay: '29/11/2022',
extractionTimeout: 5000,
return config;
5. Receipt of the resultβ
As shown in the example above, the result is returned in the form of a JSON object via Promises, whether it is a successful operation or an error:
return SdkNfc.startNfc(this.getNFCConfiguration());
Regardless of whether the result is correct/erroneous, the result will have the following format:
export interface NfcResult
finishStatus: number;
finishStatusDescription?: string;
errorType: string;
errorMessage?: string;
nfcDocumentInformation?: any;
nfcPersonalInformation?: any;
nfcValidations?: any;
nfcRawData?: any;
nfcSecurityData?: any;
facialImage?: string;
fingerprintImage?: string;
signatureImage?: string;
βΉοΈ The result will be returned via a Promise containing an object of class NfcResult. Information on these fields has been elaborated on below.
5.1 finishStatusβ
- 1: The operation was successful.
- 2: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic enumerated and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.
5.2 finishStatusDescriptionβ
Returns the operation's global description. It is an optional value.
- STATUS_OK: The operation was successful.
- STATUS_ERROR: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic enumerated and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.
5.3 errorTypeβ
Returns the type of error that occurred (if there was one, which is indicated by the finishStatus
parameter with the value Error
). The values ββit can have are the following:
- NfcError.NFC_ERROR
- NfcError.TIMEOUT
5.4 errorMessage:β
It is an optional value. This parameter it is an extra message explaining the current error.
5.5 nfcDocumentInformationβ
Information obtained from the document ordered by:
5.6 nfcPersonalInformationβ
Information obtained from the document ordered by:
5.7 nfcValidationsβ
Document validation information sorted by:
5.8 facialImageβ
The image of the face obtained during the capture.
5.9 fingerprintImageβ
The image of the fingeprint obtained during the capture.
5.10 signatureImageβ
The image of the signature obtained during the capture.