Example applications
Example applications can be found in the GitHub repository:
Steps to Set Up and Run the Applicationsβ
- To access our remote repository, you must install Cocoapods on the computer as indicated in documentation.
- The applicationId from the license provided by Facephi must be included in the application's Bundle Identifier.
- Fill in the SdkConfigurationManager details.
SdkConfigurationManager - Necessary Data for SDK Useβ
To ensure the application functions correctly, the following data must be filled in.
In the SdkConfigurationManager class:
- Necessary data if a service is going to be used to obtain the licenses:
static let APIKEY_LICENSING = "..."
static let LICENSING_URL = URL(string: "...")!
- License string if a service is not to be used:
static let license = ""
- Depending on how the license was added adapt the value of the variable:
static let onlineLicensing = true
- Client identifier and type of operation to be used in the initialization:
static let CUSTOMER_ID = "sdk-full-ios@ejemplo"
- For Selphi, in the selphiConfiguration class, the name of the resource ZIP file (which will be in the application's assets folder) and the configuration data:
var configSelphi = SelphiConfigurationData()
let resourcesSelphi: String = {
let selphiZipName = "fphi-selphi-widget-resources-sdk"
return Bundle.main.path(
forResource: selphiZipName,
ofType: "zip") ?? ""
configSelphi.resourcesPath = resourcesSelphi
- For SelphID, in the selphIDConfiguration class, the name of the ZIP file of resources (which will be in the application's assets folder) and the configuration data:
var configSelphID = SelphIDConfigurationData()
let resourcesSelphID: String = {
let selphiZipName = "fphi-selphid-widget-resources-sdk"
return Bundle.main.path(
forResource: selphiZipName,
ofType: "zip") ?? ""
configSelphID.resourcesPath = resourcesSelphID
- To make use of the verification services, the BASE_URL must be included:
static let BASE_URL = ""
static let METHOD_AUTH_FACIAL = ""
IMPORTANT: The applicationId of the application must match the one requested in the license