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Version: SNAPSHOT 🚧

Sample Applications


IOS sample applications can be found in the GitHub repository:

IOS Repository IOS Repository

Steps to Set Up and Run the Applications​

  1. It's necessary to include the user and token provided by Facephi in the file as indicated in documentation.
  2. The applicationId from the license provided by Facephi must be included in the application's Gradle.
  3. Fill in the SdkConfigurationManager details.

SdkConfigurationManager - Necessary Data for SDK Use​

To ensure the application functions correctly, the following data must be filled in.

In the SdkConfigurationManager class:

  • Necessary data if a service is going to be used to obtain the licenses:
static let APIKEY_LICENSING = "..."
static let LICENSING_URL = URL(string: "...")!
  • License string if a service is not to be used:
static let license = ""
  • Depending on how the license was added adapt the value of the variable:
static let onlineLicensing = true
  • Client identifier and type of operation to be used in the initialization:
static let CUSTOMER_ID = "sdk-full-ios@ejemplo"
  • For Selphi, in the selphiConfiguration class, the name of the resource ZIP file (which will be in the application's assets folder) and the configuration data:
var configSelphi = SelphiConfigurationData()

let resourcesSelphi: String = {
let selphiZipName = "fphi-selphi-widget-resources-sdk"
return Bundle.main.path(
forResource: selphiZipName,
ofType: "zip") ?? ""

configSelphi.resourcesPath = resourcesSelphi

  • For SelphID, in the selphIDConfiguration class, the name of the ZIP file of resources (which will be in the application's assets folder) and the configuration data:
var configSelphID = SelphIDConfigurationData()

let resourcesSelphID: String = {
let selphiZipName = "fphi-selphid-widget-resources-sdk"
return Bundle.main.path(
forResource: selphiZipName,
ofType: "zip") ?? ""

configSelphID.resourcesPath = resourcesSelphID
  • To make use of the verification services, the BASE_URL must be included:
static let BASE_URL = ""
static let METHOD_AUTH_FACIAL = ""

IMPORTANT: The applicationId of the application must match the one requested in the license