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Video Recording Component

0. SDK Mobile baseline requirements​

SDK Mobile is a set of libraries (Components) that offers a series of functionalities and services, allowing in turn its integration into a mobile application in a simple and completely scalable. Depending on the use case required, it must be perform the installation of certain components. Its high level Modularity allows, in the future, to add other new components without affecting in any way those already integrated into the project.

For more information on the base configuration, go to the Getting Started section.

1. Introduction​

The Component discussed in the current document is called VideoRecording Component. This is responsible for capturing the screen of the device in the background. It is mainly oriented for recording of the onboarding process.

1.1 Minimum requirements​

The minimum iOS SDK version required is as follows:

Minimum iOS version: 13

2. Integration of the component​

⚠️ Before integrating this component, it is recommended to read the documentation related to Initial Integration and follow its instructions.

This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project.

2.1 Creating the extension​

For the documented example, an app with SwiftUI has been used, but the component and documentation are valid regardless of whether UIKit or SwiftUI is used.

In our project we add a new target of type Broadcast Upload Extension:


We configure the name of the extension, in this example it will be VideoRecording:


If the following modal appears, click activate:


This generates the following structure:


By default, a file called SampleHandler is created. This file contains the main class of the extension.

To make use of Facephi's screen sharing functionality we should modify the key NSExtensionPrincipalClass and set it to:



NOTE: It is important to keep in mind that the version number (MARKETING_VERSION) and the project version number must always be the same in both targets:


2.2 Setting the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription​

The Video Recording functionality can also share the microphone's input. For that reason, we need to add the key:


To our target's Info.plist, detailing why do we use this functionality.

2.3 Creating the shared App Group​

Now we need to create a new App Group's Capability.

This will serve to create the shared container between our extension and the application target.


After clicking on the + icon.

It's important to set the app group's value to:


We select the same identifier in our extension. In this way both will have checked the App Group that we just created:


XCode will automatically generate or update the entitlement files involved to add the capability to each target:


2.4 Dependencies required for integration​

To avoid conflicts and compatibility problems, if you want to install the component in a project that contains an old version of the Facephi libraries (Widgets), these must be completely removed before installing the SDKMobile components.

Currently FacePhi libraries are distributed remotely through different dependency managers.

2.4.1 Cocoapods​

The mandatory dependencies that must have been previously installed (adding them to the project's Podfile file) are:

pod 'FPHISDKMainComponent'
  • It is recommended to also use the VideoRecording component with the tracking component (FPHISDKTrackingComponent).

  • To install the current component, the following entry must be included in the application's Podfile:

pod 'FPHISDKVideoRecordingComponent'
  • This dependency must be declared within the target of the app and the extension (the latter will be explained below)

  • An example of what the Podfile would look like:

target 'demoApp' do
pod 'FPHISDKMainComponent', 'X.Y.Z'
pod 'FPHISDKVideoRecordingComponent', 'A.B.C'
pod 'FPHISDKTrackingComponent', 'D.E.F' ### Optional, recommended
target 'VideoRecording' do ### Our extension target
use_frameworks! ### We want to use frameworks instead of Static Libs
pod 'FPHISDKVideoRecordingComponent', 'A.B.C'

NOTE: You have to be careful to put the extension target outside the application target. Failure to do so would cause the application pods to also be compiled into the extension, resulting in collateral problems.

2.4.2 SPM​

We add our dependency to the project and assign it to the VideoRecording target:


We must then also add it to the target of the app in General β†’ Framework, Libraries and Embedded Content:


3. Start new operation​

In order to generate the associated information correctly in the platform, the newOperation command must be executed first.

ℹ️ This command must have been executed before launch. To learn more about how to start a new operation, it is recommended to consult the Start a new operation documentation, which details and explains what this process consists of.

4. Use of component​

4.1 Creating the instance​

The functionality is configured and launched with a class called VideoRecordingController.

To create an instance we need to use its init() method:

init(data: VideoRecordingConfigurationData?, extensionIdentifier: String?, output: @escaping (SdkResult<String>) -> Void)
  • data: The configuration object
  • extensionIdentifier: The Bundle Identifier of the Broadcast Upload Extension target we created.
  • output: The callback that is called when the instance's start is resolved (either with success or failure). For this component, the success is called when the connection with the backend is established and the screenshare has started.

4.2 Configuring the instance​

With the configuration data (VideoRecordingConfigurationData) you can also modify:

  • Optional data that is normally included within the license
    • url: Path to the video socket.
    • apiKey: ApiKey required for connection to the video socket.
    • tenantId: Tenant identifier that refers to the current client, necessary for the connection to the video service.
    • extractionTimeout: How long (milliseconds) will the component wait for the socket before generating a timeout error.
    • showDiagnostic: If an error occurs, the error will be displayed on the screen in addition to being sent with the output.

4.3 Launching the component​

Once we have set a new operation (Section 3) and have an instance of our controller, we can start it. There are two ways to launch it:

  • [NO TRACKING] This call allows the component's functionality to be launched normally, but no event will be tracked to the tracking server:
let controller = VideoRecordingController(data: VideoRecordingConfigurationData(), extensionName: "VideoRecording", output: { _ in })
SDKController.shared.launchMethod(controller: controller)
  • [WITH TRACKING] This call allows the component's functionality to be launched normally, but internal events to the tracking server will be tracked:
let controller = VideoRecordingController(data: VideoRecordingConfigurationData(), extensionName: "VideoRecording", output: { _ in })
SDKController.shared.launch(controller: controller)


The launch method should be used by default. This method allows you to use tracking if your component is activated, and will not use it when it is deactivated (or the component is not installed).

On the contrary, the launchMethod method covers a special case, in which the integrator has tracking installed and activated, but in a given flow within the application they do not want to track information. In that case, this method is used to prevent that information from being sent to the platform.

5. Component customization​

Right now there are no resources to configure in the component.

6. Common errors and problems​

6.1 At compile time​

6.1.1 Write permissions - Sandbox: rsync.samba(67364) deny(1) file-write-create​

If you see a compilation error regarding write permissions:


Check the status in Build Settings of the parameter ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING, its value must be NO.


6.2 At runtime​

6.2.0 Debug an extension (.appex)​

To debug an extension, we need to attach it to a launchable target. In this case, that would be our main app's target.

6.2.1 Starscream - EXC_BAD_ACCESS​

When launching the component an error may appear in the Starscream dependency:


Workaround - Upload the minimum Pod version from iOS11 to iOS12:


6.2.2 QuickTime Player​

When launching the component, if the iPhone is connected and already sharing screen through a QuickTime Player recording session, it won't work.

Solution - Close the QuickTime Player session.

6.2.3 Screen Sharing doesn't get started​

When launching the component, we can't see the native prompt for screen sharing or we see it but it doesn't get started.

Possible Cause: The extension created in your app has a Bundle Identifier. If that identifier has changed, maybe the old one is still persisted in the cache.

Possible Solution - Remove the app, and install it again. Restart the device if needed.

Possible Cause: The device already has a extension with the same Bundle Identifier.

Possible Solution - Make sure the extension's Bundle Identifier is unique

Possible Cause: The device already has a extension with the same Name.

Possible Solution - Make sure that you are launching/selecting the correct screensharing extension. It is recommended to use (in development at least) unique names to avoid misunderstandings.

Possible Cause: The extensionName's string value injected in the VideoRecordingController initialization isn't correct.

Possible Solution - Make sure that you initialize send

Possible Cause: The extension's target is not referenced or doesn't install the FPHISDKVideoRecordingComponent dependency in the Podfile.

Possible Solution - Check Cocoapods Section