Selphi Component
1. Introductionβ
The Component addressed in the current document is called the Selphi Component. This is responsible for capturing a selfie of the user and the subsequent extraction of the most important facial characteristics. Its main functionalities are the following:
- Internal camera management.
- Permissions management.
- Assists the processes of capturing the user's face.
- Generation of templates with the facial characteristics and the image of the user's face for the Liveness detection process
1.1 Minimum requirementsβ
The minimum native version (Android and iOS) of the SDK are as follows:
- Minimum Android version: 24 - JDK 17
- Minimum Build Tools version: 8.1.4
- Minimum Kotlin Android version: 1.9.0
- Minimum iOS version: 13
- Minimum Flutter version: 3.0
Regarding the architecture of the mobile device:
- armeabi-v7, x86, arm64 y x64
1.2 Plugin versionβ
The current plugin version can be checked as follows:
- Look for the pubspec.yaml file at the root of the plugin.
- The KEY/TAG version indicates the version.
2. Component integrationβ
βΉοΈ Before integrating this component, it is recommended to read the documentation related to Core Component and follow the instructions indicated in said document.
This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project.
β οΈ For this section, the following values ββwill be considered:
- <%APPLICATION_PATH%> - Path to the root of the application (example: /folder/example)
- <%PLUGIN_CORE_PATH%> - Path to the root of the Core plugin, which is required (example:/folder/sdk-core)
- <%PLUGIN_SELPHI_FACE_PATH%> - Path to the root of the current plugin (example /folder/sdk-selphi)
2.1. Plugin installation: Commonβ
The plugin allows execution on Android and iOS platforms. This section explains the common steps to all platforms. To install the plugin, the following steps must be adopted:
- Make sure Flutter is installed.
- Access APPLICATION_PATH at a terminal and run:
dart pub token add ""
- Access to <%APPLICATION_PATH%> folder, and in the pubspec.yaml file add:
name: sdkselphi
version: ^2.0.0
2.2 Plugin installation: iOSβ
2.2.1 Project configurationβ
For the iOS version, when adding our plugin to the final application, the following points must be previously taken into account:
- Add camera permissions: To use the widget, you need to enable the camera permission in the application's info.plist file (included within the project in the ios folder). You will need to edit the file with a text editor and add the following key/value pair:
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the camera</string>
2.2.2 Update the Podfileβ
In the project podfile it will be necessary to add the information from the private repository (see section 2.1). To do this, the following lines must be added at the beginning of the file:
platform :ios, '13.0' //MIN VERSION
plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => ['cocoa-pro-fphi']
source ''
β οΈ To know more about the configuration and use of Cocoapods Artifactory, it is necessary to access the following document of Core Component.
2.2.3 Possible issuesβ
If environment problems occur or the plugin is not updated after making new changes (for example, problems occurred due to the bundle not being generated correctly, or the libraries not being updated to the correct versions), it is recommended to execute the following sequence of instructions after launching the plugin:
Open the application's ios folder at a terminal.
Run the following command:
pod deintegrate
- Remove the Podfile.lock
- Run the following command (or open the project with Xcode and run it):
pod install --repo-update
pod repo-art update cocoa-pro-fphi
2.3 Plugin installation: Androidβ
2.3.0 Set Android SDK versionβ
For Android, the minimum SDK version required by our native libraries is 24, so if your app has a Minimum SDK defined less than this, it will need to be modified to avoid a compile error. To do this, access the application's build.gradle file (located in the android folder) and modify the following parameter:
buildscript {
ext {
minSdkVersion = 24
3. Component configurationβ
The actual component contains a number of Dart methods and interfaces contained within the SelphiFaceConfiguration file. In this file you can find the necessary API for the communication between the application and the native functionality of the component. It is then explained what each one of those listed is for and the other properties that affect the operation of the component.
Below is the SelphiFaceConfiguration class, which allows you to configure the Selphi component:
class SelphiFaceConfiguration {
bool mDebug;
bool mFullscreen;
bool mLogImages;
bool mStabilizationMode;
bool mTemplateRawOptimized;
bool mEnableGenerateTemplateRaw;
bool mQRMode;
bool mShowResultAfterCapture;
double mCropPercent;
double mJPGQuality;
SelphiCompressFormat mCompressFormat;
String mLocale;
String mTranslationsContent;
String mViewsContent;
int? mCameraId;
dynamic mParams;
SelphiFaceLivenessMode mLivenessMode;
bool? mShowDiagnostic;
bool? mShowTutorial;
bool? mShowPreviousTip;
SelphiFaceExtractionDuration? mExtractionDuration;
SelphiCamera mCameraPreferred;
βΉοΈ All the configuration can be found in the component's SelphiFaceConfiguration class.
When making the call to the widget there is a series of parameters that must be included. They will be briefly discussed below.
3.1. resourcesPathβ
type: string
Sets the name of the resource file that the widget will use for its graphical configuration. This file is customisable and is located in the plugin in the src/main/assets folder for Android and in the ios/Frameworks and Resources folder for iOS. Its installation is transparent to the user, it will simply be added to the respective platform's projects during plugin installation. More details about how this resource pack works and how to modify it are explained in section 6.
resourcesPath: "",
3.2. cropβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether the images returned (in the images parameter that is activated with logImages = true) in the completion event contain only the area of ββthe detected face, at a magnification given by CropPercent, or whether the entire image is returned.
crop: false
3.3. cropPercentβ
type: float
Specifies the magnification percentage of the detected face area to compose the returned image.
cropPercent: 1.0
3.4. debugβ
type: boolean
Sets the debugging mode of the widget.
debug: false
3.5. livenessModeβ
type: SelphiFaceLivenessMode
Sets the liveness mode of the component. The possible values are:
- NoneMode: Indicates that the photodetection mode should not be enabled in authentication processes.
- PassiveMode: Indicates that the passive life test is carried out on the server, sending the corresponding "BestImage" for this purpose
- MoveMode: Indicates that the liveness test is active by displaying instructions during the capture, and returning the corresponding result of the process.
livenessMode: SdkSelphiEnums.SdkLivenessMode.PassiveMode
3.6. stabilizationModeβ
type: boolean
Property that allows activating or deactivating the stabilised mode before the face detection process. In the case of being activated, it will give some guidelines to know if it is correctly located or not.
stabilizationMode: true
3.7. localeβ
type: string
Forces the sdk to use the language setting indicated by the locale parameter.
This parameter accepts both a language code (for example, en) and a regional identification code (for example, en_US). If the widget's resource file does not have a locale for the selected locale, its setting will revert to the default language of ES.
locale: 'ES'
3.8. fullScreenβ
type: string
Sets whether you want the sdk to start in full screen mode, hiding the status bar.
fullscreen: true
3.9. logImagesβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether the sdk returns to the application the images used during extraction or not. It should be noted that returning images can result in a significant increase in device resource usage:
logImages: false
3.10. templateRawOptimizedβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether if the selfie token generated must be optimized or not.
templateRawOptimized: false
3.11. showDiagnosticβ
type: boolean
Shows a pop-up with the component diagnostic if the process fails.
showDiagnostic: true
3.12 enableGenerateTemplateRawβ
type: boolean
Optional parameter. Only visible if the parameter enableGenerateTemplateRaw is set to true. The widget will return the bestImage encrypted and in stringBase64 format.
enableGenerateTemplateRaw: true
3.13 showResultAfterCaptureβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether or not to display a screen with the captured image of the selfie after the process. This screen gives the user the option of repeating the capture process if the image obtained is not correct.
showResultAfterCapture: false
3.14 showTutorialβ
type: boolean
Indicates whether or not to display the tutorial before the process. After the tutorial finishes, the component process will continue as usual.
showTutorial: true
3.15 compressFormatβ
type: boolean
Indicates the image format compression. The possible values are:
- SelphiCompressFormat.T_PNG
- SelphiCompressFormat.T_JPEG
compressFormat: SelphiCompressFormat.T_JPEG;
3.16 videoFilenameβ
type: string
β οΈ This is an advanced property, and in most use cases you don't need to modify it. Incorrect use may cause component malfunction.
Sets the absolute path of the file name in which a video of the capture process will be recorded. The application is responsible for requesting the necessary permissions to the phone in case that route requires additional permissions. The component, by default, will not perform any write processing unless a file path is specified using this method.
videoFilename: β\<videofile-path\>β;
3.17 translationsContentβ
type: string
β οΈ This is an advanced property, and in most use cases you don't need to modify it. Incorrect use may cause component malfunction.
This property allows, through a string in xml format, to configure the current location of the widget. The definition of this model can be found, by default, in an internal translations folder within the resources .zip. This property allows an application to update and replace the current location of the component at run time.
translationsContent: β\<translation-content-string\>β;
3.18 viewsContentβ
type: string
β οΈ This is an advanced property, and in most use cases you don't need to modify it. Incorrect use may cause component malfunction.
This property allows, through a string in xml format, to configure the views of the current component. The definition of this modelling can be found, by default, in a file called widget.xml inside the resources .zip. This property allows an application to update and override the layout of the component's internal screens whilst running.
viewsContent: β\<views-content-string\>β;
3.19. showPreviousTipβ
type: boolean
Displays a pre-launch screen with information about the process to be performed and a launch button.
3.20. extractionDurationβ
type: SelphiFaceExtractionDuration
Indicates the Duration of the facial extraction process. The possible values are:
- SelphiFaceExtractionDuration.SHORT
- SelphiFaceExtractionDuration.MEDIUM
- SelphiFaceExtractionDuration.LONG
3.21. cameraPreferredβ
type: SelphiCamera
Indicates which camera will carry out the capture process. The possible values are:
- SelphiCamera.BACK
- SelphiCamera.FRONT
4. Component Usageβ
The following will show how to execute the functionality of the current component.
β οΈ Remember that in order to launch a certain component previously, you must initialise the SDK with its respective licence, and then start a new operation. For further information, consult the documentation of the Core Component.
Once the component has been configured, to launch it, the following code must be executed:
Future<Either<Exception, SelphiFaceResult>> launchSelphiAuthenticate(String resourcesPath) async
return launchSelphiAuthenticateWithConfiguration(resourcesPath, createStandardConfiguration());
Future<Either<Exception, SelphiFaceResult>>
String resourcesPath, SelphiFaceConfiguration configuration) async {
FphiSdkmobileSelphi selphi = FphiSdkmobileSelphi();
final Map resultJson = await selphi.startSelphiFaceWidget(
resourcesPath: resourcesPath,
widgetConfigurationJSON: configuration);
if (resultJson != null)
return Right(SelphiFaceResult.fromMap(resultJson));
throw Exception('Plugin internal error');
on Exception catch (e) {
return (Left(e));
/// Sample of standard plugin configuration
SelphiFaceConfiguration createStandardConfiguration()
SelphiFaceConfiguration configurationWidget;
configurationWidget = SelphiFaceConfiguration();
configurationWidget.livenessMode = SelphiFaceLivenessMode.LM_PASSIVE; // Liveness mode
configurationWidget.fullscreen = true;
configurationWidget.enableImages = false;
configurationWidget.jpgQuality = 0.95;
configurationWidget.enableGenerateTemplateRaw = true;
return configurationWidget;
5. Return of resultβ
As shown in the example above, the result is returned in the form of a JSON object via Promises, whether it is a successful operation or an error:
FphiSdkmobileSelphi selphi = FphiSdkmobileSelphi();
final Map resultJson = await selphi.startSelphiFaceWidget(resourcesPath: resourcesPath, widgetConfigurationJSON: configuration);
return Right(SelphiFaceResult.fromMap(resultJson));
on Exception catch (e) {
return (Left(e));
Regardless of whether the result is correct/erroneous, the result will have the following format:
class SelphiFaceResult {
final SdkFinishStatus finishStatus;
final String finishStatusDescription;
final String errorDiagnostic;
final String? errorMessage;
final String? templateRaw;
final String? qrData;
final String? bestImage;
final String? bestImageCropped;
final String? bestImageTemplateRaw;
βΉοΈ The result will be returned via a Promise containing an object of class SelphiResult. Information on these fields has been elaborated on below.
5.0 finishStatusβ
- 1: The operation was successful.
- 2: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic string and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.
5.1 finishStatusDescriptionβ
- STATUS_OK: The operation was successful.
- STATUS_ERROR: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic string and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.
5.2 errorDiagnosticβ
Returns the type of error that occurred (if there was one, which is indicated by the finishStatus
parameter with the value Error
). The values ββit can have are the following:
NoError: No error has occurred. The process can continue.
UnknownError: Unhandled error. Possibly caused by a bug in the resource bundle.
CameraPermissionDenied: The exception that is thrown when the sdk does not have permission to access the camera.
SettingsPermissionDenied: The exception that is thrown when the widget does not have permission to access system settings (deprecated).
HardwareError: Exception that occurs when there is a hardware problem with the device, usually caused by very few available resources.
ExtractionLicenceError: Exception that occurs when there has been a licencing problem on the server.
UnexpectedCaptureError: Exception that occurs during the capture of frames by the camera.
ControlNotInitialisedError: The widget configurator has not been initialised.
BadExtractorConfiguration: Problem arose during widget configuration.
CancelByUser: The exception that is thrown when the user stops the extraction manually.
TimeOut: Exception that is thrown when a maximum time elapses without successfully completing the extraction.
InitProccessError: Exception that is thrown when the sdk cannot process the captured images.
NfcError: The exception that is thrown when the sdk does not have permission to access the nfc.
NetworkConnection: The exception that is thrown when there are issues with the means the device uses to connect to the network.
TokenError: The exception that is thrown when an invalid token is passed as a parameter.
InitSessionError: The exception that is thrown when session cannot be initialised. The normal thing is that it happens because the
was not called when calling any other component. -
ComponentControllerError: The exception that is thrown when the component cannot be instantiated.
5.3 errorMessageβ
Indicates an additional error message if necessary. It is an optional value.
5.4 templateRawβ
Returns the raw template that is generated after the extraction process.
5.5 bestImageβ
Returns the best image extracted from the registration or authentication process. This image is the original size image extracted from the camera.
5.6 bestImageCroppedβ
Returns a cropped image centered on the user's face. This image is obtained from the bestImage. This is the image that should be used as the characteristic image of the user who carried out the registration or authentication process as an 'avatar'.
5.7 qrDataβ
Returns the captured QR code data.
5.8 bestImageTemplateRawβ
Optional parameter. Only visible if the parameter enableGenerateTemplateRaw is set to true. The widget will return the bestImage encrypted and in stringBase64 format.
6. Component Customisation (Optional)β
This component allows the customisation of texts, images, fonts and colours. Customisation is done using the internally supplied .zip file. This zip is made up of a file called widget.xml that contains the definition of all the widget screens, each one of them with a series of elements which allow customisation. The zip file also contains a folder with graphic resources and another folder with the translations of the texts.
6.1. Basic descriptionβ
6.1.1. Text customisationβ
Text customisation is carried out by editing the texts of the existing translation files in the resource .zip.
Β Β /strings/
Β Β /strings/strings.xml
6.1.2. Image customisationβ
To customise the images used by the widget, you must add the images to the resource .zip. In the zip there are 3 folders:
Β Β /resources/163dpi
Β Β /resources/326dpi
Β Β /resources/489dpi
These folders correspond to the different screen densities and you can create as many density folders as you want. These folders contain the versions of the images for each of the resolutions.
It is necessary to add the images in all the folders, since once the optimal resolution for the device has been determined, the widget only loads images from the folder with the chosen resolution.
The images are referenced from the widget.xml file.
6.1.3. Colour customisationβ
Button colour customisation is carried out from the widget.xml file. In it you can customise any colour of any graphic element that appears in the widget. Simply modify the colour of the desired property.
6.1.4. Font type customisationβ
Font files should be placed in the `/resources/163dpi` folder and once there they can be referenced from the `widget.xml` file. To change the font of a text element, it would be enough to modify the 'font' property and put the name of the corresponding file.
In the next section, the information about the content of the resource bundle and the way to modify it will be elaborated on.
6.2. Advanced descriptionβ
6.2.1. Widget.xmlβ
This file contains the definition of all the properties that are configurable in the authentication and registration processes. It is divided by navigation screens and within each screen label are all the properties that can be modified.
6.2.2. Strings folderβ
This folder contains a strings.xml file for each translation you want to support. The name must be formed as follows:
Β Β strings.(language).xml
Where (language) is the language code. For example, `` would be the Spanish translation, strings.en.xml the English translation, strings.es_ES.xml the Spanish of Spain or strings.es_AR.xml the Spanish of Argentina.
You can force the language or let the widget choose it based on device settings. When deciding which language to apply, the following order is followed:
Search by location code (for example, βes_ARβ).
If it doesn't find a match, it would look for one for the generic language (i.e., in this case it would be "es").
If there were no results either, then it would use the default language.
At the code level it is possible to select the localisation using the locale property. This parameter accepts a string with the language code to be used (for example, "es" or "es_ES").