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Version: 2.0.X

VideoCall Component

1. Introduction

The Component discussed in the current document is called VideoCall Component. This is responsible for managing the communication between a user and an agent remotely, through a communication channel. It is primarily geared toward video assistance use cases.

1.1 Minimum requirements

The minimum native version (Android and iOS) of the SDK are as follows:

  • Minimum Android version: 24 - JDK 17
  • Minimum Build Tools version: 8.1.4
  • Minimum Kotlin Android version: 1.9.0
  • Minimum iOS version: 13
  • Minimum Flutter version: 3.0

Regarding the architecture of the mobile device:

armeabi-v7, x86, arm64 y x64

1.2 Plugin version

The current plugin version can be checked as follows:

We look for the file pubspec.yaml in the root of the plugin.

The version is indicated in the KEY/TAG version.

2. Component integration

Before integrating this component it is recommended to read the documentation related to Core Component and follow the instructions indicated in said document.

ℹ️ This section will explain step by step how to integrate the current component into an existing project. For this section, the following values ​​will be considered:

  • <%APPLICATION_PATH%> - Path to the root of the application (example: /folder/example)
  • <%PLUGIN_CORE_PATH%> - Path to the root of the core plugin, which is required (example: /folder/sdk-core)
  • <%PLUGIN_VIDEOCALL_PATH%> - Path to the root of the current plugin (example: /folder/sdk-videocall)

2.1. Plugin installation: Common

The plugin allows execution on Android and iOS platforms. This section explains common steps. To install the plugin you must follow the following steps:

  • Make sure Flutter is installed.
  • Access APPLICATION_PATH in a terminal and run:
dart pub token add ""
  • Access <%APPLICATION_PATH%>, and in the pubspec.yaml file and add:
name: sdkvideocall
version: ^2.0.0

Después de ejecutar los pasos anteriores, puede iniciar la aplicación con el sdk/componente instalado. Desde diferentes IDE's, los proyectos generados en las carpetas de Android e iOS se pueden abrir, compilar y depurar usando Android Studio y XCode respectivamente.

2.2 Plugin installation: iOS

2.2.1 Project configuration

For the iOS version, when adding our plugin to the final application, the following points must be taken into account beforehand:

  • Add camera permissions: To use the widget, you need to enable the camera permission in the info.plist file of the application (included within the project in the *** folder ios***). You must edit the file with a text editor and add the following key/value pair:
<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses the camera</string>

2.2.2 Update the Podfile

In the project podfile it will be necessary to add the information of the private repository (see section 2.1). To do this, the following lines must be added to the beginning of the file:

platform :ios, '13.0' //MIN VERSION
plugin 'cocoapods-art', :sources => ['cocoa-pro-fphi']
source ''

ℹ️ To know more about the configuration and use of Cocoapods Artifactory, it is necessary to access the following Core Component document.

2.2.3 Possible incidents

If environmental problems occur or the plugin is not updated after making new changes (for example, problems occurred due to the bundle not being generated correctly, or the libraries not being updated to the appropriate versions), it is recommended to run the following sequence instructions after launching the plugin:

  • Open the ios folder of the application in a terminal.
  • Run the following command:
pod deintegrate
  • Remove Podfile.lock
  • Run the following command (or open the project with Xcode and run it):
pod repo-art update cocoa-pro-fphi
pod install --repo-update

2.3 Plugin installation: Android

2.3.0 Set Android SDK version

For Android, the minimum SDK version required by our native libraries is 24, so if your app has a minimum SDK defined lower than this, it will need to be modified to avoid a build error. To do this, access the application's build.gradle file (located in the android folder) and modify the following parameter:

buildscript {
ext {
minSdkVersion = 24

3. Component configuration

The current component contains a number of dart methods and interfaces included within the fphi_sdkmobile_videocall_configuration.dart file. In this file you can find the API necessary for communication between the application and the native functionality of the component. The purpose of each of those listed and the other properties that affect the operation of the component are explained below.

Below is the VideoCallConfiguration class, which allows you to configure the VideoCall component:

class VideoCallConfiguration
String? mUrl;
String? mApiKey;
String? mTenantId;
String? mExtensionName;
bool? mShowDiagnostic;

Next, all the properties that can be defined in the VideoCallConfiguration object will be discussed:

ℹ️ All configuration can be found in the component's fphi_sdkmobile_videoid/fphi_sdkmobile_videocall_configuration.dart. file.

When calling the widget there are a series of parameters that must be included. They will be briefly discussed below.

3.1 screenSharing

type: bool

It is responsible for activating the device's screenshot in the background. It is mainly oriented for recording the onboarding process. If you activate the screenSharing function, for iOS a series of additional steps are required at the native level. Please follow the following documentation:

3.2 extensionName(sólo iOS)

type: string

You must make sure to enter the bundle identifier of the Broadcast Upload Extension created here. In our example it is com.facephi.sdk.demo.videoRecording.

3.3 url

type: string

Ruta al socket de video.

mUrl: url_provided_by_Facephi

3.4 apiKey

type: string

ApiKey necesaria para la conexión con el socket de video.

mApiKey: "apiKey_provided_by_Facephi";

3.5 tenantId

type: string

Identificador del tenant que hace referencia al cliente actual, necesario para la conexión con el servicio de video.

mTenantId: "TenantId_provided_by_Facephi";

3.6 mShowDiagnostic

type: boolean

Indica si se desea mostrar un diagnostico en caso de falla.

mShowDiagnostic: false;

4. Use of the component

Below will be shown how to execute the functionality of the current component.

⚠️ Remember that to launch a previously determined component you will have to initialize the SDK with its respective license, and then start a new operation. For more information consult the Core Component documentation.

Once the component is configured, to launch it the following code must be executed:

Future<Either<Exception, VideoCallResult>> launchVideoCall() async {
FphiSdkmobileVideocall videoCall = FphiSdkmobileVideocall();

final Map resultJson = await videoCall.startVideoCallComponent(
widgetConfigurationJSON: VideoCallConfiguration(
mUrl: "wss://",
mApiKey: "rS7ToqmNUMHL55tblCOQOfB8rPJIrMnKsp5SKDcl",
return Right(VideoCallResult.fromMap(resultJson));
on Exception catch (e) {
return (Left(e));

5. Return result

As shown in the above example, the result is returned in the form of a JSON object through Promises, whether it is a successful operation or an error:

final Map resultJson = await videoCall.startVideoCallComponent(
widgetConfigurationJSON: VideoCallConfiguration(
mUrl: "wss://",
mApiKey: "rS7ToqmNUMHL55tblCOQOfB8rPJIrMnKsp5SKDcl",
return Right(VideoCallResult.fromMap(resultJson));

Regardless of whether the result is correct/wrong, the result will have the following format:

class VideoCallResult
final SdkFinishStatus finishStatus;
final String finishStatusDescription;
final String errorDiagnostic;
final String? errorMessage;
final String data;

ℹ️ The result will be returned through a Promise that contains an object of the class VideoIdResult. Below is more information about these fields.

5.0 finishStatus

  • 1: The operation was successful.
  • 2: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic string and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.

5.1 finishStatusDescription

  • STATUS_OK: The operation was successful.
  • STATUS_ERROR: An error has occurred, which will be indicated in the errorDiagnostic string and, optionally, an extra information message will be displayed in the errorMessage property.

5.2 errorDiagnostic

Returns the type of error that occurred (if there was one, which is indicated by the finishStatus parameter with the value Error). The values ​​it can have are the following:

  • NoError: No error has occurred. The process can continue.

  • UnknownError: Unhandled error. Possibly caused by a bug in the resource bundle.

  • CameraPermissionDenied: The exception that is thrown when the sdk does not have permission to access the camera.

  • SettingsPermissionDenied: The exception that is thrown when the widget does not have permission to access system settings (deprecated).

  • HardwareError: Exception that occurs when there is a hardware problem with the device, usually caused by very few available resources.

  • ExtractionLicenceError: Exception that occurs when there has been a licencing problem on the server.

  • UnexpectedCaptureError: Exception that occurs during the capture of frames by the camera.

  • ControlNotInitialisedError: The widget configurator has not been initialised.

  • BadExtractorConfiguration: Problem arose during widget configuration.

  • CancelByUser: The exception that is thrown when the user stops the extraction manually.

  • TimeOut: Exception that is thrown when a maximum time elapses without successfully completing the extraction.

  • InitProccessError: Exception that is thrown when the sdk cannot process the captured images.

  • NfcError: The exception that is thrown when the sdk does not have permission to access the nfc.

  • NetworkConnection: The exception that is thrown when there are issues with the means the device uses to connect to the network.

  • TokenError: The exception that is thrown when an invalid token is passed as a parameter.

  • InitSessionError: The exception that is thrown when session cannot be initialised. The normal thing is that it happens because the SdkCore was not called when calling any other component.

  • ComponentControllerError: The exception that is thrown when the component cannot be instantiated.

5.3 errorMessage

Indicates an additional error message if necessary. It is an optional value.